Are you being SLAPPed? We want to know

Have you recently received a warning letter, a request to cease and desist or even a statement of claim? Do you feel intimidated by legal action? You may have become a victim of a so-called SLAPP - a "Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation". 

SLAPPs are legal actions aimed at silencing critical voices. They are often used by powerful actors to intimidate individuals or organizations speaking out on issues of public interest. To help those affected, we have developed a comprehensive questionnaire that provides an initial assessment and is available at

The questionnaire comprises 16 questions that shed light on various aspects of legal intimidation, which can be divided into nine areas:

1. type of legal action
The first questions focus on the type of legal action you are facing. From a verbal threat to a formal court application - the range of possible measures is wide. This information helps to assess how far the process has already progressed.

2. context and additional measures
The questionnaire also inquires about other ongoing legal disputes and possible extra-legal measures such as defamation or personal threats. This may indicate a broader strategy of intimidation.

3. parties involved
Who initiated the legal action? Against whom are they directed? These questions help to identify possible power imbalances - a typical feature of SLAPPs.

4. financial aspects
Information on the amount of damages and the amount in dispute can be informative. Disproportionately high claims are often an indicator of SLAPPs.

5. unusual legal means
The questionnaire examines whether unusual legal tactics are used, such as multiple lawsuits on the same facts or the choice of a distant place of jurisdiction. Such strategies may indicate an abuse of the legal system.

6. your public activities
An important aspect is the activities that led to the legal action. Are they political expressions of opinion, journalistic activities, artistic or scientific work? What is the thematic area of these activities? This information helps to classify whether your activities are in the public interest - a key feature of SLAPP cases.

7. legality of your activities
The question of the legality of your actions is crucial. SLAPPs are often directed against people who have acted within the law.

8. Motives and characteristics
The questionnaire asks you to assess what motives might be behind the legal action. It also asks about typical characteristics of SLAPPs, such as the exploitation of power imbalances, unfounded arguments or disproportionate demands.

9. your resources and experience
Finally, you will be asked about your legal support, previous disputes in this matter and your knowledge of other people affected. This information will help us to understand your situation in a wider context.

By answering these questions, you will be able to make an initial assessment of whether you are affected by a SLAPP. It is important to note that this questionnaire does not replace legal advice, but serves as a first step towards orientation. It can only develop its full potential in further discussions.

If you suspect that you have been the victim of a SLAPP, do not hesitate to seek professional help. We will be happy to help you. You can contact us (also via anonymous and secure chat) at

Don't be intimidated - your voice is important for an open and democratic society!


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