Blueprint Germany’s NO SLAPP coordinator speaks at Liberty of Speech Conference in Athens

Blueprint for Free Speech’s coordinator of the No SLAPP contact point in Germany, Philipp Wissing, shared insights on the rising threat of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) in Europe at the conference "Global Corruption and Public Integrity: The Human Factor". He spoke alongside Greek journalists and legal experts at the panel “Advocacy and SLAPP: Protecting Journalists and Whistleblowers” on the second day of the conference held in Athens.

Wissing highlighted the increasing use of SLAPPs against journalists across Europe, including in Germany and Greece. He emphasized that contrary to common belief, Germany is not immune to these harmful  legal tactics. Surprisingly, Germany even opposed parts of the Anti-SLAPP Directive during its passage through the EU legislative process.

The speaker stressed the importance of recognizing the SLAPP problem, rather than focusing solely on statistics. He argued that low reported numbers might indicate the effectiveness of these intimidation tactics in silencing journalists and activists.

To address this issue, Wissing introduced NO SLAPP DE, Germany's first contact point for SLAPP victims. This grassroots initiative offers advice and guidance to those affected. The project emerged from a local coalition including the German journalist union, transparency organizations, and freedom of speech advocates.

NO SLAPP DE's powerful partnership includes Blueprint for Free Speech, Reporters Without Borders Germany, and several other prominent organizations. By combining existing resources, the project aims to reset the balance and protect freedom of speech in Germany.

As Europe grapples with threats to press freedom and public integrity, initiatives like NO SLAPP DE serve as crucial safeguards for journalists and activists facing legal intimidation.

Blueprint’s Executive Director, Dr Suelette Dreyfus, who also spoke at the conference, thanked Liberty Of Speech for putting on the event and inviting Blueprint to present at the event. The conference was the first whistleblowing event of its type to be held in Greece.


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