On International Right to Know Day, the "Pro Acceso" coalition demands that the right of access to information be recognised as a fundamental right in Spain

The International Day of the Universal Right of Access to Information ("Right to Know") is celebrated every 28 September. On the occasion of the VI International Congress on Transparency, which was held at the end of September in Alicante, the "Pro Access" coalition presented a Declaration ratifying "the ten principles approved by this Coalition, which are the fundamental axis of its action and the guarantees that any legal system should have regarding the right of access to information".

This coalition recalls "that although in Spain there is a Transparency Law that regulates the right of access to information, this law does not comply with all the principles of the Pro Access Coalition; especially it fails to recognise this right as a fundamental right". 

The Pro Access Coalition is made up of 28 organisations and experts. Blueprint For Free Speech is one of five organisations and academics outside the Pro Access Coalition that support this Declaration. Click here to see the full Declaration published by the Madrid Press Association, a member of the Coalition.


Spain Refuses to Divulge Details of Draft EU-Mandated Whistleblower Law


European trade union conference on whistleblowing held in Madrid just weeks before the deadline for the Spanish government to implement the EU Directive on whistleblower protection