News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

2021 Blueprint Whistleblowing prizes feature winners from four continents

Renowned for revealing the Pentagon Papers in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Blueprint for Free Speech Whistleblowing Awards and called for a Presidential pardon for Daniel Hale, winner of the International Prize, and for jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

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Murdered Journalist’s Probe Lags, Greece Puts Clamps on Media Freedom

Six months after investigative journalist Giorgos Karaivaz was gunned down near his home in Athens - and as Reporters Without Borders (RSF) pressed police for answers - Greece’s conservative government is being ripped by media freedom groups for proposals that would bring fines and jail time for reporting “false news.”

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Despite TVN24 TV License OK, Poland Media Freedom Pressured

After a warning from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) about a “press freedom state of emergency” in Poland, the hardline government that’s challenging the European Union over rule of law extended a broadcasting license for news channel TVN24, but is still squeezing media outlets.

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Hush-Hush Money, Pandora Papers Unbox How World's Rich Hide Trillions

Named for a Greek myth about a sealed box containing the world's evils, The Pandora Papers – the work of 600 journalists in 117 countries who pored through 11.9 million leaked confidential records – showed how the world's elite and powerful, from business leaders to kings and politicians – hide their wealth.

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