News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

European Commission President Says Italians Too Corrupt

Drawing immediate return fire, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Italians, whose country is caught in a vortex of instability and political volatility, need to be less corrupt, work harder and stop blaming the European Union for problems in the country’s poorer southern region.

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News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Whistleblower’s Crusade Helps Fell Spanish PM, Government

Undaunted by death threats, a former municipal worker uncovered a pattern of corruption. Her revelations helped bring down the government of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, forced out by a no-confidence vote in Parliament on 1 June, 2018.

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Announcements Blueprint for Free Speech Announcements Blueprint for Free Speech

European Commission presents draft Directive on Whistleblower Protection

In a historic step toward effective to protect whistleblowers around the globe, the European Commission published its proposed new European Directive on Whistleblowing this week. The initiative comes after two years of intense political debate in Brussels, fueled by input from both political and civil society stakeholders.

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News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Malta Money-Laundering Whistleblower Asks Protection

A former anti-money laundering investigator on Malta, Jonathan Ferris, who says he has knowledge of massive wrongdoing, will sue to get whistleblower protection he said was deliberately blocked by the government with a scandal reaching Prime Minister's Joseph Muscat's office, The Times of Malta said.

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GRECO Says Greek Party Financing Needs Transparency

The Council of Europe and its Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) said in a pair of reports that Greece needs more openness in how political parties are funded – from taxpayer subsidies – and more needs to be done to prevent corruption by lawmakers and judges.

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Debate on EU Whistleblower Law Moves Ahead

Croatian immunologist Srecko Sladoljev had just finished telling the story of how he was bullied, suspended and blocked by security guards from entering his workplace after raising concerns about a questionable swine-flu vaccine being readied for widespread use in his country.

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