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Our interview with Congo's bank whistleblower

Watch Blueprint's new interview with Jean-Jacques Lumumba, a bank executive whose decision to blow the whistle on suspicious transactions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) meant he had to flee the country in fear of his life.

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Whistleblower’s Crusade Helps Fell Spanish PM, Government

Undaunted by death threats, a former municipal worker uncovered a pattern of corruption. Her revelations helped bring down the government of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, forced out by a no-confidence vote in Parliament on 1 June, 2018.

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Luxembourg Court Rules No Sentence for PwC Whistleblower Deltour

Luxembourg’s Court of Appeal has ruled that former PwC employee Antoine Deltour, convicted of a breach of law for leaking documents about the country’s notorious tax avoidance schemes that benefitted big companies won’t be sentenced and ordered him to pay a fine instead of one euro ($1.18 USD) to his former company.

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Release of Chelsea Manning

Blueprint for Free Speech applauds the release of whistleblower and Blueprint Prize recipient Chelsea Manning on 17 May 2017. Chelsea won the Blueprint Enduring Impact Whistleblowing Prize in 2016.

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Chelsea Manning's Sentence Commuted

Chelsea Manning, the winner of the 2016 Blueprint for Free Speech Enduring Impact Award, this week received a commutation of her 35-year sentence from outgoing US President Barack Obama.

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Inaugural Blueprint Prize Event Held in London

A diverse group of individuals from six different countries were recognised for their "bravery, integrity and commitment to the public interest" in exposing workplace corruption, government wrongdoing and detriments to public safety, often at considerable personal cost.

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The Price of Justice: Bosnian Whistleblowers Fight Retaliation

This is a story of corruption, whistleblowing, retaliation and broken lives. It is not an easy story to stomach. But it is an essential story. It highlights, all too graphically, what we in the whistleblower protection movement are fighting for – and why.

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