News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Former Greek Bank Chairman Cited for Malfeasance

Greece’s anti-money laundering authority has reportedly recommended that the former Chairman of Piraeus Bank, one of the country’s big four, face charges over the sale of five properties it said could be tied to his family.

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GRECO Says Greek Party Financing Needs Transparency

The Council of Europe and its Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) said in a pair of reports that Greece needs more openness in how political parties are funded – from taxpayer subsidies – and more needs to be done to prevent corruption by lawmakers and judges.

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Release of Chelsea Manning

Blueprint for Free Speech applauds the release of whistleblower and Blueprint Prize recipient Chelsea Manning on 17 May 2017. Chelsea won the Blueprint Enduring Impact Whistleblowing Prize in 2016.

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Chelsea Manning's Sentence Commuted

Chelsea Manning, the winner of the 2016 Blueprint for Free Speech Enduring Impact Award, this week received a commutation of her 35-year sentence from outgoing US President Barack Obama.

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Debate on EU Whistleblower Law Moves Ahead

Croatian immunologist Srecko Sladoljev had just finished telling the story of how he was bullied, suspended and blocked by security guards from entering his workplace after raising concerns about a questionable swine-flu vaccine being readied for widespread use in his country.

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Inaugural Blueprint Prize Event Held in London

A diverse group of individuals from six different countries were recognised for their "bravery, integrity and commitment to the public interest" in exposing workplace corruption, government wrongdoing and detriments to public safety, often at considerable personal cost.

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