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Our interview with Congo's bank whistleblower

Watch Blueprint's new interview with Jean-Jacques Lumumba, a bank executive whose decision to blow the whistle on suspicious transactions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) meant he had to flee the country in fear of his life.

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TI Says Montenegro Chief Wrongly Dismissed from Anti-Corruption Agency

The firing by Parliament of Vanja Ćalović Marković, head of Transparency International’s Montenegro chapter from the country’s anti-corruption board was political retribution because of her fight against corruption, the agency said, even as a court hasn’t ruled in a conflict of interest case against her.

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European Commission President Says Italians Too Corrupt

Drawing immediate return fire, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Italians, whose country is caught in a vortex of instability and political volatility, need to be less corrupt, work harder and stop blaming the European Union for problems in the country’s poorer southern region.

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Whistleblower’s Crusade Helps Fell Spanish PM, Government

Undaunted by death threats, a former municipal worker uncovered a pattern of corruption. Her revelations helped bring down the government of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, forced out by a no-confidence vote in Parliament on 1 June, 2018.

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Luxembourg Court Rules No Sentence for PwC Whistleblower Deltour

Luxembourg’s Court of Appeal has ruled that former PwC employee Antoine Deltour, convicted of a breach of law for leaking documents about the country’s notorious tax avoidance schemes that benefitted big companies won’t be sentenced and ordered him to pay a fine instead of one euro ($1.18 USD) to his former company.

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Barclay’s Boss Faces Fine for Whistleblower Hunt

Barclay’s Chief Executive Jes Staley will be fined by regulators who also reprimanded him for using the bank’s security apparatus to try to find a whistleblower who raised concerns about the recruitment of one of his friends, Tim Main, to head its group in New York.

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Malta Money-Laundering Whistleblower Asks Protection

A former anti-money laundering investigator on Malta, Jonathan Ferris, who says he has knowledge of massive wrongdoing, will sue to get whistleblower protection he said was deliberately blocked by the government with a scandal reaching Prime Minister's Joseph Muscat's office, The Times of Malta said.

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