News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Report Says Israel Sold Spyware Used in Kashoggi Murder

Cyber technology spyware that Israel sold to Saudi Arabia was used to help plan the murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi, the Washington Post, where he was a columnist reported, even as US President Donald Trump refused to sanction what he said was too important an ally.

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EU Law Enforcement Hunts Down Money Laundering Mules

A combined effort by Eurojust, Europol and the European Banking federation to go after carriers of dirty money meant for laundering – whether unwittingly or not – led to 168 arrests, including so-called “money mules” and organizers during a sweep across 20 countries.

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Whistleblower's Lawyer Proposes EU-US Whistleblower Protection Team

The American lawyer for a whistleblower who alleged Denmark's largest financial institution, Danske Bank, was behind a 200-billion euro ($228.29 billion) money-laundering scandal, said the European Union and United States should link laws to protect people who report wrongdoing.

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European Parliament takes final position on the proposal for a Whistleblowing Directive

Presented by the European Commission in April 2018, the proposal for a Directive to protect European whistleblowers is currently working its way through the European institutions. If adopted, the Directive would provide minimum standards for the protection of employees reporting certain breaches and misconduct in the public interest.

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Euro Parliament Strengthens Proposed Whistleblower Protections

The European Parliament's JURI committee has voted on a set of amendments to its draft whistleblower law that go a long way towards providing protections and standards that Blueprint for Free Speech and others have been pressing its members to include.

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