News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Assange in UK Court Fighting Extradition, Judge Sides With US

With his extradition hearing commencing today at London’s Central Criminal Court, lawyers for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, fighting attempts by the United States to extradite him to face espionage charges for revealing classified information, lost their their attempt to delay the hearing to January 2021.

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News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Assange's Partner Kicks Off CrowdJustice Defense Fund Campaign

As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange London continues to wait in jail for a COVID-19 delayed trial that could see him extradited to the United States to face espionage charges, his partner, Stella Moris, launched a CrowdJustice campaign to help fund his defense.

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News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Spanish Whistleblower Facing Jail for Revealing Corruption Looks to EU

Roberto Macías, the Spanish whistleblower who revealed one of the biggest labor corruption scandals in Spanish history and whose subsequent two-year prison sentence is on hold while he appeals his conviction, has invoked a provision in the European Union's new Whistleblower Directive. The new law doesn't come into effect until the end of 2021.

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