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EU Parliament Names Journalism Prize for Daphne Caruana Galizia

Three years after being killed by a car bomb as she was looking into high-level corruption and ties between Malta's government and business executives, money laundering banks and mobsters, the European Parliament has named a prize in “Outstanding Journalism Work” in the name of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

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Foreign Journalists Find Exile Not So Safe in EU Either

Abdullah Bozkurt, a Sweden-based Turkish journalist and the Executive Director of the Nordic Monitor was attacked by three men outside his home in Stockholm and beaten, following his coverage of Turkish politics and intelligence.

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Egypt Sill Using FinFisher Spyware to Track Journalists, Civil Society Groups

A spyware tool developed by a British-German company that can infiltrate computer operating systems, record every key stroke, intercept calls and siphon away data is being still being used by Egypt to target journalists and activists, many years after it was first identified, according to a new report from Amnesty International.

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