News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Greek Olympian's Sexual Assault Cry Sparks Outrage, #MeToo Movement

A claim by Greek sailing gold medalist Sofia Bekatorou she was sexually assaulted in 1998 by a Hellenic Sailing Federation (HSF) official has brought an outpouring of support for her and led to other women making similar allegations against sports officials, doctors and academics in the country.

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News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

Journalists Arrested and Jailed for Covering COVID-19

At least 387 journalists and media workers were jailed worldwide as of December 1 this year, with 130 arrested for reporting on the COVID-19 crisis. The figures were compiled by the German office of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and announced in its annual report.

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News Blueprint for Free Speech News Blueprint for Free Speech

EU's Anti-Corruption Group Says Greece Falling Back in Bribery Fight

The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) said Greece's New Democracy government failed to strengthen anti-corruption laws diluted by the former ruling SYRIZA. The Radical Left group had introduced softer sanctions on bribery involving public officials.

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