India passes Whistleblower Protection Bill
On 21 February 2014 India’s Parliament passed the country’s first Whistleblower Protection Bill. The law will provide legal protections for people who report crimes committed by public servants, or corruption or misconduct that causes government losses.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Whistleblower law now in effect
In January 2014 the Bosnia and Herzegovina Whistleblower Protection Act came into effect.
Hungary's new Whistleblower law now in effect
In January 2014 Hungary’s new whistleblower law came into effect.The Complaints and Public Interest Disclosure Act, passed in October 2013, updated whistleblower law for public and private sector employees.
Independent UK Whistleblowing Commission recommends improvements
In November 2013 the Whistleblowing Commission, convened by the London-based whistleblower support NGO Public Concern at Work, released 25 recommendations for improving whistleblowing in UK workplaces.
Malta enacts Whistleblower law
In July 2013 Malta’s Parliament passed the Protection of the Whistleblower Act. This Act, which took effect in September 2013, provides legal protections for public and private sector employees.
Protection proposal for public service whistleblowers in France
In June 2013, France’s Public Administration Minister announced a proposal to protect whistleblowers in the public service.
EU Whistleblower law sidelined
Increased calls by Members of the EU Parliament for a new whistleblower protection law for the EU have been rejected.