Eyes on the Prize: Colombia Sets Sights on its First Whistleblower Law
Too often, we have seen parliaments pass whistleblower laws in haste – whether in response to scandals or disasters that whistleblowers could have prevented, or to comply with the letter (but not the spirit) of anti-corruption treaties. The outcome is often disappointing, and whistleblowers suffer as a result of inadequate legal protections.
Cryptoparty Melbourne
Blueprint for Free Speech is sponsoring this free event, for all those interested in expanding their encryption and personal online security skills.
Despite public support for Snowden, German leaders oppose protecting whistleblowers
Public support for Edward Snowden in Germany has been overwhelming from the moment he exposed the US-led mass surveillance program in June 2013.
Progress on New Whistleblower Laws
Thanks to the dedication of activists and reform-minded policy-makers, civil society is making real advancements in whistleblower rights. Blueprint for Free Speech congratulates everyone on the winning side of these important legislative victories!
Sign up now for June whistleblower events in Sarajevo!
Rights and protections for whistleblowers have been improved all over the world thanks to international and regional collaboration – particularly among NGOs and activists. To strengthen these joint efforts, Blueprint for Free Speech is co-hosting two important whistleblower events in Sarajevo on 18-19 June.
Serbian whistleblower on the other side of justice
In a story that illustrates the risks and unpredictability of being a whistleblower, a government employee in Serbia was imprisoned with the complicity of the very same official whose alleged corruption she reported two years earlier.
National Day of Action Against Metadata
Data privacy activists are calling for a National Day of Action against Metadata, as the new proposed Data Retention Legislation makes its way through the senate.
UK Parliament can now receive whistleblower disclosures
Members of the United Kingdom Parliament have been added to the list of prescribed persons to whom whistleblowers may make a protected disclosures under the Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) Order 1999.
Canadian standards body to develop whistleblowing best practices guidance
The CSA Group (formerly the Canadian Standards Association) is set to develop a best practices guideline for whistleblowing arrangements within an organization. This is aimed at the public and private sectors, as well as NGOs and voluntary organizations.
Greece passes first whistleblower provisions
Following a string of government and corporate scandals in recent years, Greece, which has seen a long has enacted its first legal protections for whistleblowers.
Associated Whistle-blowing Press officially launch local whistleblowing platform in Spain
The Associated Whistle-Blowing Press (AWP) has officially launched its second local whistleblowing platform. The website, 'Fíltrala' (literally "leak it"), is targeted at the Spanish public and uses software developed by GlobaLeaks—an open-source whistleblowing framework for safe file transmission.
Hungarian whistleblower investigated over public interest disclosure
A Hungarian patent lawyer has become the subject in a criminal investigation after making a public interest disclosure regarding a security flaw in the National Intellectual Property Bureau (SZTNH) website.